Monday, February 6, 2012

Journal 14: Ideal or Real?

RealismThe theory or practice in art and literature of fidelity to nature or to real life and to accurate representation without idealization of the most typical views, details, and surroundings of the subject.

Read the following poems and write a detailed description for each of the title characters and explain how each is an example of the “real” instead of the “ideal.”  

“Richard Cory“(497)
The entire poem is about how Richard Cory seems to be absolutely perfect and how others want to be just like him.  Little did the townspeople know that Richard Cory was not living the perfect life because he kills himself in the end.  The writer never told why Richard would commit suicide, but it was ironic that he would be the one to die when his life appeared to be perfect.  This poem is an example that you cannot judge a person by their appearance.  Even though Richard Cory appeared to be a very wealthy gentleman and so perfect that others aspired to be like him, does not mean that his life was filled with happiness.  It also means that the people who surround you do not always know what is going on in your life.  What others see and how you feel are two completely different aspects in reality.  It is the conflict and irony of everyday situations that make this poem an example of actuality.  It was ideal that Richard Cory was a perfect character; when in reality, he had issues like everyone else.  Besides, the name Richard Cory foreshadows the idea that he is rich and had a core that is not filled with strength. 

“Miniver Cheevy” (497)
Miniver wishes he was born during the medieval times because he wants to become a knight in shining armor.  He truly believes that he was created in the wrong century because all his hopes and dreams are about a castle and fighting for his one true love. Therefore, in order to escape the boring present, he decides to drink to see his fantasy.  Miniver Cheevy is trying to live in his ideal life when in reality; he was born in a different time period. He doesn’t believe he has a great life so he wastes what he is given, which so many of us do.  Many people do not take the time to recognize and appreciate what has been placed right in front of their nose.  Instead, they get carried away in wanting something new and different.  They want an ideal life where they can have anything, when in reality that is not possible.  Miniver is so wrapped up in Greek mythology stories about dragons that he is missing reality and what is in front of him.  He spends most of his time fantasizing; therefore, his life is empty. The meaning of Miniver Cheevy foreshadows a life full of depression.  Even his first name Miniver sounds like minimal achiever.  He should live life to the fullest and stop trying to change what time period he was born in.   

“Mr. Flood’s Party” (498)
Mr. Flood is an alcoholic that likes to have a party for one, himself. He talks and sings as if someone is always with him, but he is all alone.  It is an ironic dramatic monologue narrative.  It is ironic because Mr. Flood’s Party sounds like he is having a party.  Poor Mr. Flood was left alone because the townspeople did not want to live with him.  He is old, and all of his friends are either dead or left him because of his drinking problem.  Mr. Flood is drinking to fill emptiness in his heart.  By drinking he is trying to live his ideal happy life, but in reality he has no friends and nothing to live for. When he is drunk, he is living in his own past that was filled with laughter and fun times.  He is living in his past, instead of looking towards the future.  Just like Mr. Flood’s Party, people tend to dwell on their past lives instead of moving on.  Mr. Flood was unable to adapt to change, so he decided to live his present as a drunk.  If he stopped drinking, it is possible that his future would look much brighter rather than the idea of him dying alone. 

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